Safeguard from Satan & Sons

To safeguard your self from all types of evils of Lucifer & his lineage among jinn and men, recite [at least 100 times daily {only in Arabic (Please let me know if someone is in need of transliteration, thank you)}; if your are afflicted with something serious] the following verses [the ones highlighted with red color in the order they are written here] taken specially & specifically from Qur'an for this purpose due to their powerful, esoteric & spiritual effects etc.:

وَاذْكُرْ عَبْدَنَا أَيُّوبَ إِذْ نَادَىٰ رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الشَّيْطَانُ بِنُصْبٍ وَعَذَابٍ ۝ وَقُل رَّبِّ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِينِ ۝ وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ رَبِّ أَن يَحْضُرُونِ ۝ وَحِفْظًا مِّن كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ مَّارِدٍ ۝

______________And now some study or these verses______________

وَاذْكُرْ عَبْدَنَا أَيُّوبَ إِذْ نَادَىٰ رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الشَّيْطَانُ بِنُصْبٍ وَعَذَابٍ ۝

[Shakir 38:41] And remember Our servant Ayyub, when he called upon his Lord: The Shaitan has afflicted me with toil and torment.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 38:41]
See commentary of Anbiya: 83 and 84. 

Ayyub was the son-in-law of Yusuf. He had abundant wealth and many children. Then he lost his home, his possessions, his family; and suffered from sores, but he did not lose faith, he turned to Allah. Those lacking faith suspected that Ayyub had committed some sin and was being punished, but those good at heart, said that he, as a prophet of Allah, was being tested to manifest ideal patience. 

Shaytan, during his sufferings, tried to make him lose confidence in the mercy of Allah. Ayyub, in his prayer to Allah, referred to Shaytan's endeavor to disturb his faith in Him and to the belief of vain people about his having committed some sin which had drawn His anger. 

When Shaytan failed in his every effort to strip Ayyub of his title of "the patient" he beguiled Ayyub's wife to lead him astray. He went to her as an experienced physician and convinced her that if she could take the sheep he had with him and sacrifice it in his name, he would immediately be cured. Since the wife was interested in Ayyub's welfare, she came to him and related the suggestion of the physician. 

Ayyub warned his wife not to be misled by the man because he was none but Shaytan. 

Shaytan came back again as a beautiful young man astride a thorough bred stallion and told her: "I am the king of the earth, and since your husband worshipped Allah, the king of the heavens, not me, it was I who caused the loss of your children and wealth. If, now, you prostrate before me once, l shall make your husband well again." 

She promised to do as he wanted if her husband allowed her to do so. Then Shaytan asked her to at least persuade Ayyub not to say bismillah before eating a meal and alhamdulillah after finishing it. Hardly had she mentioned the proposal, Ayyub was so much disturbed at the very audacity of it that he swore fore with to punish her with hundred stripes. Then he prayed to Allah: "Indeed an affliction has distressed me." 

There is another version that once when there was no food in the house she went to get at least a loaf of bread for Ayyub. A man attracted by her lovely hair agreed to give her food in exchange of a bunch of her hair. She gave it to him and brought some food. In those days hair of a woman was cut and removed if she was found guilty of fornication. It greatly pained Ayyub to see her head without her beautiful hair. He then swore to punish her with hundred stripes. 
The prophet of Allah Ayyub used to pray for those who came to him with incurable diseases and ailments. But when they asked him why he did not pray for himself, he said: "I have enjoyed Allah's grace and blessing for 80 years, and it would be downright ingratitude if now I grumble when I have been made to taste distress for some time." 

In his seven years illness he never uttered a single word of remonstration or grief, but due to the persistent pestering of Shaytan, he used to invite Allah's attention and help for combating his evil designs. 

The highest example of patience and fortitude to demonstrate total submission to the will of Allah was set forth by the grandsons of the Holy Prophet, Imam Husayn bin Ali in Karbala and Imam Ali bin Husayn Zayn al Abidin in Kufa and Damascus. They were the true inheritors of the Holy Prophet in whom all the virtues of all the prophets of Allah had been deposited by Allah in the highest degree. 

Aqa Mahdi Puya says: 

"Shaytan has afflicted me with distress" refers to the hardships Ayyub had to face and overcome with the help of Allah in the cause of righteousness. The arch opponent of righteousness is Shaytan who represents rebellion, evil and disorder. 

وَقُل رَّبِّ أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِينِ ۝

[Shakir 23:97] And say: O my Lord! I seek refuge in Thee from the evil suggestions of the Shaitans;

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 23:97]
Not to fall into the trap of evil we must not go near the evil nor pay attention to the temptations, allurements and the theories of the leaders of falsehood the disciples of the devil put before us, for which it is necessary to seek Allah's help at all times.

وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ رَبِّ أَن يَحْضُرُونِ ۝

[Shakir 23:98] And I seek refuge in Thee! O my Lord! from their presence.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 23:98] (see commentary for verse 97)

إِنَّا زَيَّنَّا السَّمَاءَ الدُّنْيَا بِزِينَةٍ الْكَوَاكِبِ ۝

[Shakir 37:6] Surely We have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars,

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 37:6]
Sama-ad dunya means the lowest heaven, nearest to the earth. It is said to be the seat of the exalted assembly of angels, as pointed out in verse 8. The beauty of the starry heaven is proverbial. Their marvellous beauty, their coherent grouping and harmonious working manifest the unity, control and wisdom of the one true creator. 

The perfect, harmonious, undisturbed and continuous existence of creation in the heavens, under the precise laws made by Allah, cannot be disturbed or upset by any rebellious evil, so it is cast away on every side, repulsed, under a perpetual penalty, by a flaming fire. 

Goodness is always protected by the all good against evil. 

The men of God, mentioned in the commentary of verses 1 to 3 of this surah, are goodness personified or the true reflection or manifestation of the absolute goodness of the Lord, therefore every type of evil has been kept off from them. They have been thoroughly purified as per verse 33 of Ahzab. Also refer to Hijr: 40 and 42 and Bani Israil: 65 to know that Shaytan has no authority over the men of God mentioned above. Goodness is real and eternal. Evil is the consequence of the rebellious urge of the devil. It shall die its own death when the devil, along with his followers, goes to hell. So far as it lives in this world it cannot rise to the higher region of goodness, even if it tries to have a glimpse of the world of total righteousness. Its area of operation is the abyss.
No evil spirit can ever penetrate even the lowest heaven. Refer to the commentary of Hijr: 16 to 18. 

After the advent of the Holy Prophet the doors of even the lowest regions were closed to the devils and evil spirits. 

Prior to the advent of the Holy Prophet, the jinn and devils had access to the outskirts of heaven, and by assiduous eavesdropping secured some of the secrets of the upper world, which they communicated to soothsayers upon the earth. After the advent of the Holy Prophet they were driven from the heavens, and whenever they dared to approach, flaming bolts were hurled at them, appearing to mankind like falling stars. 
Aqa Mahdi Puya says: 

Those who are immersed in the worldly pleasures are unable to have any communion with the exalted beings of the higher sphere, even if they try to steal a glimpse of that which is there.
وَحِفْظًا مِّن كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ مَّارِدٍ ۝

[Shakir 37:7] And (there is) a safeguard against every rebellious Shaitan.

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 37:7] (see commentary for verse 6)

لَّا يَسَّمَّعُونَ إِلَى الْمَلَإِ الْأَعْلَىٰ وَيُقْذَفُونَ مِن كُلِّ جَانِبٍ ۝

[Shakir 37:8] They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and they are thrown at from every side,

[Pooya/Ali Commentary 37:8] (see commentary for verse 6)

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