The prayer of Sanam-e-Quraish (The idols of Quraish) is a very authentic prayer of Amir Al Momaneen Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib (A.S.) and so has been recognized by all renowned Shia historians.
It has been narrated by Abdullah bin Abbas that one night I went to the Masjid-e-Nabavi to offer my late-night prayers and saw Amir ul Momaneen (A.S.) offering his supplications. I decided to sit in a corner and listen to Maula Ali (A.S.)’s recitation of Quran and prayers. After completing Salat, Maula recited supplications which I had never heard before. Later, I approached Imam Ali (A.S.) and said may I be your ransom, please tell me more about those prayers which I have never heard before.
Mola Ali (A.S.) then replied, it was ‘Dua-e-Sanam-e-Quraish’ and added I swear to Allah (J.J.) who owns the lives of Mohammed (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) & Ali (A.S.), whoever would recite this prayer will get an extra-ordinary reward from the Lord; similar to assisting Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) during the battles of ‘Ohad and Tabooq’ and would achieve the martyred status in the presence of His prophet (P.B.U.H.&H.P.). And the reward of 100 Hajj & Umara as an associate of Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) as well as ‘Sawab’ of 1000 months of fasting. In addition, one will be on the side of Rasool Allah (A.S.W.S.) & Aimah Masomeen (A.S.W.S.) on the day of judgement and Allah (S.W.T.) will forgive all his/her sins, despite the fact if his/her committed sins are equivalent to the stars in the sky, grains of sand in the wilderness and leaves of all trees. Also the reciter will be saved from punishment in the grave and a window from heaven will be installed in his/her grave.
InshaAllah, prayers will be rewarded, through the sanctity of the supplication, and Oh! Ibne Abbas if any of our friends is, in particular, engulfed by hardship, he/she would surely find a refuge through recitation of this prayer.
(Ref: Wazaif-al-Abrar, Toufatul Awam Urdu/Arabic versions)
It has been narrated by Abdullah bin Abbas that one night I went to the Masjid-e-Nabavi to offer my late-night prayers and saw Amir ul Momaneen (A.S.) offering his supplications. I decided to sit in a corner and listen to Maula Ali (A.S.)’s recitation of Quran and prayers. After completing Salat, Maula recited supplications which I had never heard before. Later, I approached Imam Ali (A.S.) and said may I be your ransom, please tell me more about those prayers which I have never heard before.
Mola Ali (A.S.) then replied, it was ‘Dua-e-Sanam-e-Quraish’ and added I swear to Allah (J.J.) who owns the lives of Mohammed (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) & Ali (A.S.), whoever would recite this prayer will get an extra-ordinary reward from the Lord; similar to assisting Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) during the battles of ‘Ohad and Tabooq’ and would achieve the martyred status in the presence of His prophet (P.B.U.H.&H.P.). And the reward of 100 Hajj & Umara as an associate of Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) as well as ‘Sawab’ of 1000 months of fasting. In addition, one will be on the side of Rasool Allah (A.S.W.S.) & Aimah Masomeen (A.S.W.S.) on the day of judgement and Allah (S.W.T.) will forgive all his/her sins, despite the fact if his/her committed sins are equivalent to the stars in the sky, grains of sand in the wilderness and leaves of all trees. Also the reciter will be saved from punishment in the grave and a window from heaven will be installed in his/her grave.
InshaAllah, prayers will be rewarded, through the sanctity of the supplication, and Oh! Ibne Abbas if any of our friends is, in particular, engulfed by hardship, he/she would surely find a refuge through recitation of this prayer.
(Ref: Wazaif-al-Abrar, Toufatul Awam Urdu/Arabic versions)
Another narration from Mola Ali (A.S.W.S.) says:
"He who recites this Dua is (in terms of reward) like a marksman who have shot 1000 arrows in the battle of Badr and Ohad beside the Prophet (S.A.W.W.)."
- Mustadrak al-Wasa'il, v4, p405, Hadith #5021
- Bihar al-Anwar, v82/85, p260, Hadith #5
دعاء صنمي قريش
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد، اللهم العن صنمي قريش وجبتيها وطاغوتيها وإفكيها وابنتيها اللذين خالفا أمرك، وأنكرا وحيك، وجحدا إنعامك،وعصيا رسولك، وقلبا دينك وحرفا كتابك، وعطلا أحكامك، وأبطلا فرائضك، وألحدا في آياتك، وعاديا أولياءك وواليا أعداءك وخربا بلادك، وأفسدا عبادك. اللهم العنهما وأنصارهما فقد أخربا بيت النبوة، وردما بابه، ونقضا سقفه، وألحقا سماءه بأرضه، وعاليه بسافله، وظاهره بباطنه،واستأصلا أهله، وأبادا أنصاره وقتلا أطفاله، وأخليا منبره من وصيِّه ووارثه، وجحدا إمامته، وأشركا بربهما، فعظم ذنبهما وخلدهما في سقر! وما أدراك ما سقر؟ لاتبقي ولا تذر اللهم العنهم بعدد كل منكر أتياه، وحق أخفياه، ومنبر علواه، ومنافق ولياه ومؤمن أرجياه، وولي آذياه، وطريد أوياه، وصادق طرداه، وكافر نصراه، وإمام قهراه، وفرض غيراه، وأثر أنكراه، وشر أضمراه، ودم أراقاه، وخبر بدلاه، وحكم قلباه، وكفر أبدعاه، وكذب دلساه، وإرث نصباه، وفيء اقتطعاه، وسحت أكلاه، وخمس استحلاه، وباطل أسساه، وجور بسطاه، وظلم نشراه، ووعد أخلفاه، وعهد نقضاه، وحلال حرماه، وحرام حللاه، ونفاق أسراه، وغدر أضمراه وبطن فتقاه، وضلع كسراه، وصك مزقاه، وشمل بدداه، وذليل أعزاه، وعزيز أذلاه، وحق منعاه، وأمام خالفاه. اللهم العنهما بكل آية حرفاها، وفريضة تركاها، وسنة غيراها وأحكام عطلاها، وأرحام قطعاها، وشهادات كتماها، ووصية ضيعاها، وأيمان نكثاها ودعوى أبطلاها، وبينة أنكراها، وحيلة أحدثاها، وخيانة أورداها، وعقبة أرتقياها، ودباب دحرجاها، وأزياف لزماها (وأمانة خاناها). اللهم العنهم في مكنون السر وظاهر العلانية لعناً كثيراً دائباً أبدا دائما سرمدا لا انقطاع لأمده، ولا نفاذ لعدده، يغدو أوله ولا يروح آخره، لهما ولأعوانهما وأنصارهما، ومحبيهما ومواليهما، والمسلمين لهما والمائلين إليهما، والناهضين بأجنحتهما والمقتدين بكلامهما والمصدقين بأحكامهما. ( قل أربع مرات ) : اللهم عذبهم عذابا يستغيث منه أهل النار، آمين رب العالمين
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
Ya Allah! Send your blessings & salutations to Mohammad (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) & the descendents of Mohammed (P.B.U.H.&H.P.). O Allah! Curse the two idols of Quraish and their two magicians, their two rebellious people, their two accusers and their two daughters. Rebuke them, they have consumed Your sustenance and have denied Your obligations, both have discarded Your commands, have rejected Your revelation, have disobeyed Your Prophet, have destroyed Your religion, have distorted Your book, have made Your laws ineffective , have declared Your obligatory actions as incorrect, have disbelieved in Your signs, have oppressed Your friends, have loved Your enemies, have spread corruption among Your people, have made Your world occur loses. O Allah! Send Your curses on them and their helpers as they have ruined the house of Your prophet, have dug the door of his house, broken the roof, have brought down the walls, have made the skies, the ground, have destroyed its inhabitants, have killed their supporters have put to death, their children have deserted his pulpit by his successors of knowledge, have desired his prophethood, have ascribed a partner to their Lord, thus consider both of their sins to be great, and make their abode in 'saqar' forever, and do you know what is 'saqar?' It leaves nothing, nor let anything remain. O Allah, send Your chastisement on them to the extent of the sins of every disobedient, and the covering of truth, and all the pupils where they have gone, and the believer whom they have harmed and the disbeliever whom they have loved, and to the number of pious people whom they have troubled, and whom they have driven out of their cities, and helped the disbelievers, and the Imam on whom they were cruel and have changed the obligatory laws, and have destroyed the practice of the Holy Prophet, and whatever evils they have concealed, the blood which they shed, have changed the goodness and have altered the commands, have created disbelief, or the lie for which they have cheated, the inheritance which they have plundered, and stopped the booties from them and have consumed the prohibited wealth, and that 'Khums' (the fifth part) which they considered as permitted for them, and that evil whose foundation were put, and that cruelty which they made common, that oppression, which they spread, those promises, which they dishonoured, those covenant which they broke, those lawful which is termed as unlawful, and that unlawful which is termed as lawful, that hypocrisy which they have concealed in the hearts, and to the amount of treachery which they bore in their hearts, and those stomach which they have split open, and that 'pahlu' which they broke, and that door which they broke-opened, and those gatherings which they dispersed and those degraded whom they gave honour, and those honourable whom they insulted, and by the number of rights which they have usurped, and the order of Imam which they opposed, bestow Your wrath on them to the extent of the atrocities. O Allah! Your curses on them to the extent of alteration in Quran and covering the truth, rendering the will, worthless, and breaking the promises, and declaring all the claims as void, refusing all the allegiances, presenting excuses, introducing breach of trust, climbing of hills and to the number of vessel which they turned upside down and all that defects which they possessed. Bestow Your curses on them. O Allah curse those two, secretly and openly, such a beating which is forever continuous, nonstop and innumerable. Such a whipping which commences in the morning but does not ends at night. Such a beating should be on those tyrants, and their helpers, their assistance, their friends and their lovers, those attracted to them and those who acknowledge their deeds, those who present proof for them, and those who follow their words, and those who approve their actions. (Then recite four times). O Allah! Send such a harsh chastisement upon them, that the dwellers of Hell start screaming, O Lord of the Universe accept this prayer from me.
End of Imam Ali (A.S.)'s prayer, below is reciter’s prayer as ascribed by Imam (A.S.).
(Dua-e-Sanam-e-Quraish finishes here, the rest of the part has been added by Ibne Tausra , see Misbah al Kafami Page-552 & Bihar.. Vol-82, Page-260)
O Allah! curse be upon all of them (which have been cursed by Imam Ali) and extend your blessings to Mohammad (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) and his pure progeny, and keep rendering your lawful deeds for me and help me in keeping away from the unlawful implications as well as lack of subsistence. My Lord! Indeed I have committed wrong by indulging into sins and implicating wrath for myself, I admit my wrong doings and I come forward with the hope that You will forgive me. I will return to You my Lord! and seek Your blessings and forgiveness. Oh! The most gracious and explicable and forgive-able. Oh Allah! send your blessings and bounties on the chief of all Prophets and on his pure and spiritually clean progeny, The most merciful and the most beneficial!
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
Ya Allah! Send your blessings & salutations to Mohammad (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) & the descendents of Mohammed (P.B.U.H.&H.P.). O Allah! Curse the two idols of Quraish and their two magicians, their two rebellious people, their two accusers and their two daughters. Rebuke them, they have consumed Your sustenance and have denied Your obligations, both have discarded Your commands, have rejected Your revelation, have disobeyed Your Prophet, have destroyed Your religion, have distorted Your book, have made Your laws ineffective , have declared Your obligatory actions as incorrect, have disbelieved in Your signs, have oppressed Your friends, have loved Your enemies, have spread corruption among Your people, have made Your world occur loses. O Allah! Send Your curses on them and their helpers as they have ruined the house of Your prophet, have dug the door of his house, broken the roof, have brought down the walls, have made the skies, the ground, have destroyed its inhabitants, have killed their supporters have put to death, their children have deserted his pulpit by his successors of knowledge, have desired his prophethood, have ascribed a partner to their Lord, thus consider both of their sins to be great, and make their abode in 'saqar' forever, and do you know what is 'saqar?' It leaves nothing, nor let anything remain. O Allah, send Your chastisement on them to the extent of the sins of every disobedient, and the covering of truth, and all the pupils where they have gone, and the believer whom they have harmed and the disbeliever whom they have loved, and to the number of pious people whom they have troubled, and whom they have driven out of their cities, and helped the disbelievers, and the Imam on whom they were cruel and have changed the obligatory laws, and have destroyed the practice of the Holy Prophet, and whatever evils they have concealed, the blood which they shed, have changed the goodness and have altered the commands, have created disbelief, or the lie for which they have cheated, the inheritance which they have plundered, and stopped the booties from them and have consumed the prohibited wealth, and that 'Khums' (the fifth part) which they considered as permitted for them, and that evil whose foundation were put, and that cruelty which they made common, that oppression, which they spread, those promises, which they dishonoured, those covenant which they broke, those lawful which is termed as unlawful, and that unlawful which is termed as lawful, that hypocrisy which they have concealed in the hearts, and to the amount of treachery which they bore in their hearts, and those stomach which they have split open, and that 'pahlu' which they broke, and that door which they broke-opened, and those gatherings which they dispersed and those degraded whom they gave honour, and those honourable whom they insulted, and by the number of rights which they have usurped, and the order of Imam which they opposed, bestow Your wrath on them to the extent of the atrocities. O Allah! Your curses on them to the extent of alteration in Quran and covering the truth, rendering the will, worthless, and breaking the promises, and declaring all the claims as void, refusing all the allegiances, presenting excuses, introducing breach of trust, climbing of hills and to the number of vessel which they turned upside down and all that defects which they possessed. Bestow Your curses on them. O Allah curse those two, secretly and openly, such a beating which is forever continuous, nonstop and innumerable. Such a whipping which commences in the morning but does not ends at night. Such a beating should be on those tyrants, and their helpers, their assistance, their friends and their lovers, those attracted to them and those who acknowledge their deeds, those who present proof for them, and those who follow their words, and those who approve their actions. (Then recite four times). O Allah! Send such a harsh chastisement upon them, that the dwellers of Hell start screaming, O Lord of the Universe accept this prayer from me.
End of Imam Ali (A.S.)'s prayer, below is reciter’s prayer as ascribed by Imam (A.S.).
(Dua-e-Sanam-e-Quraish finishes here, the rest of the part has been added by Ibne Tausra , see Misbah al Kafami Page-552 & Bihar.. Vol-82, Page-260)
O Allah! curse be upon all of them (which have been cursed by Imam Ali) and extend your blessings to Mohammad (P.B.U.H.&H.P.) and his pure progeny, and keep rendering your lawful deeds for me and help me in keeping away from the unlawful implications as well as lack of subsistence. My Lord! Indeed I have committed wrong by indulging into sins and implicating wrath for myself, I admit my wrong doings and I come forward with the hope that You will forgive me. I will return to You my Lord! and seek Your blessings and forgiveness. Oh! The most gracious and explicable and forgive-able. Oh Allah! send your blessings and bounties on the chief of all Prophets and on his pure and spiritually clean progeny, The most merciful and the most beneficial!
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